Mobile Marketing: 2 Techniques - Marketing Blog #6

Welcome back to my marketing blog series, this post will be about 2 mobile marketing techniques and why they are important.

Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, so how do we market to a huge user base? It sounds rather difficult and scary but it is rather easy when you break down what techniques we can use to market for mobile phones.

The first of these techniques is the optimization of emails and websites for mobile devices, quite simple. People browse the internet on their phones almost every day, so any website that is not optimized for mobile devices can drive away a lot of potential users. To optimize for mobile, the website must have the same functionality and ease of use as a normal browser. 

Ways to do this are:

  •  Make it easy to navigate, this can be done through the use of a quick access bar at the top or side of the page.
  • All images must be scaled for multiple screen sizes, not everyone has the same size of phone.
  • Reduce the file size of images to ensure quick load times.

These are just a handful of ways to optimize for mobile. (Ivanovs, 2018)

The second of these techniques involves the use of push notifications, this one only really applies to mobile games. When a user downloads your game on their mobile device, they will be asked if they want to enable push notifications which will be able to use to alert the user of things going on in your game. The best way to benefit from this financially is to offer limited-time offers to the user every few days or so, this gives the user a positive opinion of these notifications as they are getting something out of it, making it less likely they will turn them off or delete your game. (Welch, 2018)


Ivanovs, A., 2018. How To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Users?. [online] Available at: <https:"" site-optimization-for-mobile=""></https:> [Accessed 25 March 2020].

Welch, S., 2018. How To Maximize Value From Push Notifications - Marketing Land. [online] Marketing Land. Available at: <https:"" how-to-maximize-value-from-push-notifications-245729=""> [Accessed 25 March 2020].</https:>

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